Pray A Blessing Forward

Pray A Blessing Forward



We all face challenges and struggles. Prayer is my steadfast practice when difficulties arise. This practice became life changing for me twenty-plus years ago while battling a storm in my life.

Before my awakening, I blamed God for my trials. Seeing that my back was to the Lord, my parents faithfully and lovingly prayed for me. I was given a handwritten prayer from my dad that I cherish to this day.

Having developed a personal relationship with the Lord and being deeply moved by my dad’s gift of prayer, I’m committed to writing prayers for myself and for others. I write them not only for my loved ones, but also for random people. I place the prayer in a Prayer Capsule and include a gift card before delivering it to someone in need.

Moved by the Holy Spirit, it is my intention to be a blessing by giving the women at the women’s shelter a prayer in a Prayer Capsule, along with a gift card, and my book, Growing Through the Storm. I feel called to share my testimony of my relationship with God and how I rely on His provision and direction for my life. I pray that my testimony offers hope and encouragement to these women that God loves them and has been with them and will be with them through their lives.

I’m not just sharing the lessons I learned during my deepest pain and how others can experience redemption through Jesus Christ, I’m being a blessing by praying and giving to others because I’ve been blessed. Witnessing the heartfelt gratitude from the recipient of the blessing isn’t the only reward I receive when I give, I am overcome with warmth in my spirit for serving the Lord.

Has God been good to you? God blesses us so that we will be a blessing to others. The more we are a blessing to others, the more God wants to bless us. Proverbs 11:25 (NIV) assures, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” To whom in your life can you Pray it Forward? Please visit for a special offer on the Prayer Capsule and samples of prayer. Visit for a FREE chapter download of Growing Through the Storm!

Be blessed, my friend, and be a blessing to others!


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